Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday August 31, 2007

B: Leftover sushi roll

L: Apples, sliced (I had rice, but nothing to make to go with it.)

Late lunch addition: Angel hair pasta w. Prego(R) sauce, 4 Papa Luigi(R) Italian meatballs (microwaved), tomatoes, diced

I went grocery shopping, and following my new plan of cooking in bulk, cooked all the food I had bought and stored it in the refrigerator. While making the tomato and egg dish, I diced way too many tomatoes, so I added it in to my lunch.

D: 1 Hebrew National(R) beef frank and Ball Park(R) hot dog bun, toasted


Items I cooked, too be eaten in the course of the next few days:
*Green beans, stir-fried w. garlic
*Napa cabbage, cut w. Italian meatball
*Tomato, diced and egg (5, beaten), w. onion, sliced

It was fun to be cooking!
I prepped, stir-fried, and boiled water, etc. all at the same time. It took me about an hour.

Dessert: 1 Strawberry Milkshake from Denny's. I think it was a bit too much; I want a cookiewich now but cringe at the idea of more milky, frothy, creamy stuff. Unless I get ice cream with nuts in it... hmm there's an idea.

Thanks Cathy!

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